Public Transport

Bus travel

Southwood Mews is located nearby to bus stops on Southwood Road. From Southwood Road, bus service 9 is available which provides access to five services, Monday and Friday, between Farnborough and Southwood. A daily bus service to and from All Hallows School is also available from these bus stops. Further bus stops are located on Cove Road, from which bus service 2 is available providing two services per hour. From these local bus stops you have the opportunity to travel on the following services:

  • 2 (7 Days a Week) – Farnborough – Camberley
  • 9 (Monday to Friday) – Southwood – Farnborough
  • 441 (School Days Only) – St Peter’s Hospital – All Hallows School

Bus Timetables and Routes

Click here to view bus service 2 timetable

Click here to view bus service 9 timetable

Click here to view bus service 441 timetable

For further information on other bus services available in Hampshire please visit:

Bus Passes and Tickets

There are a variety of bus passes available from Stagecoach which provide access to their services within Farnborough and beyond. With access to different areas including Blackwater Valley and other southern counties you have the opportunity to purchase weekly, 4 week, 13 week and even yearly tickets for Stagecoach services! For more information on the bus passes available, please visit their website here.

Hampshire County Council’s Older Person’s ‘Blue Stripe’ Bus Pass

For those that are of a State Pension age you are entitled to a free bus pass. This bus pass entitles you to free travel on bus services throughout England from 09:30am to 11:00pm Monday to Friday and all day at weekends and on public holidays. Other services can also be accessed in Farnborough using this bus service. Information on these services can be found here.

For more information and how to apply please visit Hampshire County Council’s website or email

This bus pass also provides access and discounts to a number of other Community Transport services including:
Cango, Call and Go, Dial a Ride, Fleet Link, Yateley Shopper, Eastleigh

Rail travel

Farnborough (Main) Railway Station is your closest station and located to the east of the development. At this station there are 346 cycle spaces, 12 Electric Vehicle Charging Points and a 480 space car park with 6 accessible spaces. From Farnborough Main there are opportunities to travel directly to Basingstoke, Portsmouth Harbour and London Waterloo.

For timetable information and live updates for services from Farnborough Main please visit the South Western Railway website.

Farnborough North Railway Station is also located  further east of the development. At this station there are 20 cycle spaces. From Farnborough North there are opportunities to travel directly to Reading, Redhill and Gatwick Airport.

For timetable information and live updates for services from Farnborough North please visit the South Western website.

National Railcards

National Railcards provide an opportunity to save up to a 1/3 off rail travel, with an annual average saving of £142 per year! There are a number of railcards including:

  • 16-25 Railcards
  • Senior Railcard
  • Veterans Railcard
  • Two Together Railcard
  • Disabled Railcard
  • 26-30 Railcard
  • Family & Friends Railcard
  • Network Railcard
  • 16-17 Saver

To find out if you’re eligible and to apply for a railcard visit:

Taxi Services

Taxi services are also available locally and play a role in your local public transport. Local taxi companies include:

A Line Taxis

01252 650000 |

Farnborough Taxi Online

01252 220147 |

Rushmoor Taxis

01252 333 555 |


Compare and retrieve taxi quotes for your journey. Either download the app or visit their website:

Get in Touch

If you need more information on public transport then please get in touch using our email address: