Public Transport

Bus travel

Kings Barton is located nearby to a number of bus stops on Andover Road. 

From here you will be able to access bus service 85 (Winchester to Andover) and bus service 86 (Winchester to Hatch Warren). Further bus services are also available nearby including bus service 7 (Winchester to Sparsholt) with onward connections from additional services in Winchester City Centre. All services are operated by Stagecoach.

Bus Timetables and Routes

Click here to view the Winchester bus network map

To get up to date timetables and live bus service updates visit the Stagecoach website.


Alongside the 85 and 86 bus service, Hampshire County Council have set up a bookable Taxishare service for residents of Kings Barton. The services run to a set timetable but you must pre-book a place as the service will only run if someone books travel. You may book as far in advance if you like but please book by 4pm the day before you wish to travel

How to book:
Before you can book you must register for the service by contacting Hampshire County Council:
t: 01962 846785

For the Taxishare Timetable, location and more information please click here.

Stagecoach Buses Passes

There are a variety of bus passes available from Stagecoach which provide access to their services within Winchester and beyond. With access to different areas including Winchester, South Hants and other southern counties you have the opportunity to purchase weekly, 4 week, 13 week and even yearly tickets for Stagecoach services! For more information on the bus passes available, please visit:

Hampshire County Council’s Older Person’s ‘Blue Stripe’ Bus Pass

For those that are of a State Pension age, you are entitled to a free bus pass. This bus pass entitles you to free travel on bus services throughout England from 09:30am to 11:00pm Monday to Friday and all day at weekends and on public holidays. Other services can also be accessed in Winchester using this bus pass. Information on these services can be found here.

For more information and how to apply please visit Hampshire County Council’s website or email

This bus pass also provides access and discounts to a number of other Community Transport services including:
Cango, Call and Go, Dial a Ride, Fleet Link, Yateley Shopper, Eastleigh Parish Links, Park and Ride services and Hampshire County Council Taxishare and Carshare.

Rail travel

Winchester Railway Station is your closest station and located to the south of Kings Barton. At this station there are 286 cycle spaces and a 411 space car park. From Winchester there are opportunities to travel to London Waterloo, Bournemouth, Portsmouth Harbour and Southampton Central.

For timetable information and live updates for services from Winchester please visit:

National Railcards

National Railcards provide an opportunity to save up to a 1/3 off rail travel, with an annual average saving of £142 per year! There are a number of railcards including:

  • 16-25 Railcards
  • Senior Railcard
  • Veterans Railcard
  • Two Together Railcard
  • Disabled Railcard
  • 26-30 Railcard
  • Family & Friends Railcard
  • Network Railcard
  • 16-17 Saver

To find out if you’re eligible and to apply for a railcard visit:

Taxi Services

Taxi services are also available locally and play a role in your local public transport. Local taxi companies include:

Wintax | 01962 250 250 |

Wessex Cars | 01962 877749 / 01962 626262


Compare and retrieve taxi quotes for your journey. Either download the app or visit their website:

Get in Touch

If you need more information on public transport opportunities then please get in touch using our email address: